Research Projects

Iron Hack & Iron Bond Open source and community based problem solving
This is the first NIH/USF biohackathon, named Iron Hack, to creatively solve the human genetic disease problem by pulling together the effort of clinicians, researchers, genetic counselors and programmers. We aim to connect communities across fields, states, and continents for collaborative research with a program called Iron Bond.

Why rare diseases?
The large impact of rare diseases: About one in 10-20 people suffer from orphan diseases. 7000 rare diseases, each affecting relatively few people, but collectively impacting a large part of the human population.
The heavy burden on patients and families: It takes up to 10 years, if ever, to get a diagnosis for many rare diseases. Patients will typically drain all financial and emotional resources during the process.
The ‘unsolvable’ problem of rare diseases: Limited resources for each disease severely hamper research, diagnoses and treatments.
An innovative solution of community-based problem solving: Join the NIH/USF IRON HACK biohackathon to creatively solve the problem by pulling together the effort of clinicians, researchers, genetic counselors and programmers. An NSF cloud platform has been awarded to connect communities across fields, states, and continents for a minimum duration of 12 months.
How can you help?
· Make sure to review and respect the Code Of Conduct of Iron Hack.
· Admin and logistics contact at USF Genomics:
· Event and technical contact with Rays Jiang: Jiang2 @ health .usf . edu
· Iron disease research community contact with Gloria Ferreria: gferreira @ health. usf. edu

Program at-a-glance
Iron Bond Symposium 25th-27th Feb 2019, USF: Facing the grand challenges of rare human diseases. Renowned scientists, clinicians and investigators in rare iron-related diseases – ataxia, blood and dermatological disorders. [Program with names of speakers for introductory remarks on each of the rare diseases will follow.]
Iron Hack Hackathon 25th-27th Feb 2019, USF. Intense team work with plenty coffee and refreshments. Participation certificates will be given out. The best project will be awarded with a price!
Rare diseases collaborative problem solving 2019-2021, international iron disease community with NSF cloud platform.